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My Research

MSc Research: Infertility and Childlessness Research

A particular area of interest for me is that of Infertility and Childlessness. My Masters Thesis was on ‘An exploration of how couples adjust to the crisis of long-term unexplained infertility’. A summary and a full copy of my research can be accessed on this link:

Doctoral research: Cultivation of Mindful Self-Compassion

My Professional Doctorate titled ‘An Autoethnography of Cultivating Mindful Self-Compassion’ focussed on exploring the cultivation of Mindful Self-Compassion and how it contributes to well-being. If you would like to receive a summary or a copy of this research, please contact me and I will be only too happy to share some this work with you.

Therapy Resources

British Psychological Society (BPS)

Health Care Professionals Council:

Mental Health Foundation:

Cognitive Therapy:
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy site:

Support for parents and carers of abused children: We Stand at

National Association for the Protection and Care of Children:

National Association of People Abused in Childhood:

Grief and Bereavement:

Infertility: International Council on Infertility Information Dissemination
Support for involuntary childlessness:

Self Injury: Bristol Crisis Service for Women – despite the name this is a national service offering specialist support, helpline and resources for women who self-harm.

Resources on Mindfulness and Compassion

Center for Mindful Self-Compassion:
Mindful Self-Compassion in the UK:
Professor Kristin Neff:
Dr Chris Germer:
Professor Paul Gilbert:
Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn:
Germer, Christoper K., (2009). ‘The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion’. Guildford Press
Gilbert, P (2009). ‘The Compassionate Mind.’ London, Constable & Robinson Ltd.
Neff, K.D., (2011}. ‘Self-Compassion, Stop beating yourself up and leave insecurity behind’.  New York: Harper Collins.

Mindfulness, Meditation and Compassion references:

Dalai Lama (2000). ‘Transforming the Mind’. London, Thorsons
Gunaratana, BhanteHenepola(2002) ‘ Mindfulness in Plain English’. Wisdon Publications
Kabat-Zinn, J. (1990) ‘Full catastrophe living’. New York: Delacorte.
Kabat-Zinn J., (2001),Mindfulness meditation for everyday life. Piatkus
Kabat-Zinn J., (2005), Coming to Our Senses: Healing Ourselves and the World Through Mindfulness. Piatkus.
Thich Nhat Hanh (1987). ‘The Miracle of Mindfulness’. Boston, Beacon Press

MY Therapy

If you would like to enquire about therapy, training, retreats or have any questions, please contact me on 07850 702640 or email

  • HCPC Registration PYL 22722